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Workshop: Create your own Botanical Prints on Fabric

What a great a way to celebrate spring! Getting creative and connecting with nature in a unique way!


Looking for a way to relax while simultaneously letting your creativity run wild? Join our 'Botanical Printmaking' workshops for the perfect solution. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in a soothing artistic experience. Whether you come alone for some much-needed ‘me-time’ or bring along a friend or family member, this workshop is sure to be a peaceful and enjoyable experience.


Please note: this workshop has limited availability, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 available spots. Book now to reserve your place!


This workshop will take place outdoors in a sheltered area, please dress appropriately for the weather.


Please note; the cost to participate in the workshop does not include regular entrance to the botanical garden.



Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum
Honingerdijk 86 (beneden),
3062 NX, Rotterdam


The workshop is conducted in English and Dutch.


*Please note: Zizi is still learning Dutch. She is not a native speaker of Dutch, therefore it might happen that she switches to English if necessary.

    24 mei | op Stof | Botanische Printen

    • This workshop is designed for nature enthusiasts and lovers of flowers and plants, just like you! No prior knowledge of arts and crafts is necessary. Taking imprints of flowers and leaves is an easy, enjoyable, and relaxing process.

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    XiXi Floral  Botanisch

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