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2024 Yearly Reflections: A Journey of Challenges and Hope

Autorenbild: Zizi CelikZizi Celik

Aktualisiert: 31. Jan.

After having family visit us this year, I'm finally finding time to rest, reflect, and prepare for what's ahead in 2025.

Looking back, I see it's been a roller coaster ride that seemed to plunge downhill for a while.

  • At the start of the year, I fell ill. Whooping cough made a resurgence in the Netherlands. Despite being vaccinated as a child, I ended up being one of the thousands hit hard by it. It wasn't until the brink of spring that I fully recovered. That period taught me to be kind to myself, stressing the importance of letting things go and giving yourself time to heal.

  • During my time to rest and recover, I found a growing sense of inspiration. Reading and creating became my solace.

  • One of the most joyful spring days of my life was when I fully recovered and nature began to bloom around me. I found a deeper appreciation for everything – the sound of birds chirping, the feeling of sunshine on my face, and watching nature awaken each day.

  • I then created my first-ever botanical ceramic collection, which became one of your favorite products of the year.

  • Your enthusiasm for the first edition prompted me to create a new 100-minis collection. It was a joy to make each one, inspired by different flowers and plants from my garden and nature.

  • I took a trip to Durbuy to gain a new perspective, enjoying the hills, curving roads, hiking trails, and running water.

  • Inspiration struck to create my first-ever original botanical prints collection. By May, a carefully crafted collection was born.

  • My baby girl graduated from high school and moved on for her studies. It never got easier to see her room empty or to miss her voice filling the house.

  • The word of the year for 2024 was HOPE & LIGHT. These words were beacons during the hardest times, reminding me that even tough times change.

  • My fluffy companion developed a tumor on her eyelid, which was scary. Thankfully, it was successfully removed through surgery.

  • The highlight of the year was the Botanical Printmaking Workshop. I had the opportunity to collaborate with dream locations such as Trompenburg Tuin and the Plantentuin in Meise, hosting many wonderful participants who enjoyed exploring flowers and plants in a unique and creative way.

  • My Dutch improved with the help of my 'taalmaatje', who became a friend. It's inspiring to see her still shining bright at 85 years old.

  • A mother-daughter train trip took us from the Netherlands to Zurich, Rome, Venice, and Verona. It was wonderful spending time with my grown daughter and becoming friends in addition to being mother and daughter.

  • After my dad passed away 1.5 years ago, for the first time my mom spent a lot of time with us. She gave us warmth, comfort, and love when we needed it most, and we made sure she felt peaceful and safe.

  • I started dividing my time between Utrecht and Breda and noticed how easy it was to get used to things I could manage.

  • After participating in a few Christmas markets and taking a quick trip to Valencia, we were ready to begin the winter holidays.

During the holidays, with all my loved ones together, we spent time with family, cooking, eating, and drinking. Of course, there were moments when the teenagers couldn't help but roll their eyes. Then, to welcome 2025, we watched the fireworks begin.

I turned to my husband, almost in disbelief that we had made it through, finally finding the hope and brightness we had hoped for. It's a reminder that we shouldn't take anything in life for granted.

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